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TMMG is skilled at gathering an organization’s message out through the most prominent vehicles in the country – from Op-Eds in The New York Times to press conferences on Capitol Hill. We know PR and communication.

Virtual fireside chat with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona.
April 2021

Addressing the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools. November 2022

What DeVos Needs Now Is a Great Public School Education
by Todd Mann
Feb. 2017

Solving school desegregation is not rocket science
by Todd Mann
June 10, 2016

Todd Mann introduces Secretary of Education John King, Jr.
February 2016

Integrating the New York Schools
by Todd Mann
Dec. 23, 2015
The New York Times

Follow the Numbers: Magnet Schools Outperform Charters
by Todd Mann
Jan. 5, 2016
Ed Week

Members of Congress standing behind Todd Mann at a press conference to “raise the cap” on education funding. July 2015

Todd Mann addresses the Miami-Dade County Board of Education.  April 2016

On behalf of the CLASS Coalition, Todd Mann discussed education with House Education and Labor Chair John Kline.