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Director of Business Development

Jennifer McNally brings her expertise in digital content creation and strategy and social media marketing to TMMG.

Queen of Content and Digital Marketing

McNally was at the forefront of integrating content through digital marketing and sold this essential service to dozens of associations. While working at SmartBrief, the association industry’s first electronic newsletter, McNally took content from hundreds of sources and integrated that information into hard-hitting daily and weekly digital newscasts. After mastering that arena, she led SmartBrief into the then-nascent arena of digital content marketing.

McNally segued into business development at SmartBrief, working with associations to take advantage of the company’s digital marketing offerings. After more than a dozen years at SmartBrief and a run as VP of marketing with a healthcare consulting company, McNally joined TMMG.

On a Personal Note

McNally is a graduate of Elmira College. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading and watching her son play sports. She lives with her husband and son in Alexandria, Virginia.